Motorcycle Covers are a worthy investment

Motorcycle Covers are a worthy investment

Posted by Outdoor Covers Canada on 21st Nov 2016

Motorcycle enthusiasts are very passionate about their rides. But ask enthusiasts about covers and you will get various answers such as “don’t need one” to “always cover when not using” to “never thought about it” and more. At we believe every road bike owner should have a cover. It’s an essential accessory. Yes bikes are built and designed for rain, but pollutants, bird droppings, tree sap and snow are a little harder on bikes and are nuisances.

Motorcycle Covers Canada

If you own a road bike, invest a relatively small amount of money on a motorcycle cover. Here are some tips on cover selection.

Cheap covers give you cheap benefits. Yes you can buy a $40 cover but you spent thousands on your bike so spending just under $100 can get you a quality motorcycle cover to protect your bike from many elements and conditions.

Material choice is important. Lightweight polyester and polyurethane covers might do a job for a short time but won’t last. Canadian weather will destroy cheap covers. They may work as indoor covers if you have a garage or shed, but are limited for outdoor and winter use. We recommend use of medium to heavy duty treated polyester materials. This allows for use in all weather conditions. Heavier weight materials also stay more secure. At our covers are made with multiple materials. Upper is medium weight but breathable polyester with an important PU coating for extra water resistance. The lower section is heavier duty material that will take the extra abrasions of mechanical parts.

Securing the cover is key. A good cover will have a strong elastic hem that will wrap around the tires. But equally important is a system for center tie down. Our covers have a security pass through grommets in the middle for rope, bungee or security cable. In addition our covers have rear air vents to allow for critical air circulation and moisture escape.

Sizing is important too. Be sure your cover accounts for bike size as well as fairings and bags. At we have 3 sizes to fit most bikes.

All-in-all a motorcycle cover is an essential and affordable accessory for all motorcycle enthusiasts. It keeps your ride clean and protects its value. Spend a little amount to protect a large investment.